VR | VIRTUAL REALITY | the incredible reality of technology: PUBG!

    The entire digital and physical components of our 5 sense organs are called virtual reality as if we are in a virtual world. Today, the technology of virtual reality is growing more rapidly. Virtual reality glasses are the most commonly used methods of this technology. In a world built-in 3D, you can explore in any way you want with virtual reality glasses. The illusion is interactive and is often called the realism of computer simulation. Refers to the technologies that generate sounds, pictures, and other sensations using VR headsets to reflect a real environment or to create an imaginary world. VR is a way of immersing users in a virtual environment.

    The consumer is persuaded that the real world is out when the atmosphere is artificially developed. 3D environments gain in virtual reality from senses other than the picture, including hearing and movement. Digital reality is commonly used to simulate actual and realistic places that exist or do not exist with machines in at least three dimensions. In the given space generated with virtual reality, education, observer, research, entertainment, and treatment activities can be done widely.

    For many of the game's most passionate supporters, PUBG VR is a tentative proposition. The most immersion-fighting way to play the game, allowing each firefight to be immediate and dangerous from real-life wars, maybe to play BATTLEGROUNDS in virtual reality.

click for PUBG VR youtube video


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